Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"How's your week going?"

How's your week going? Welp, that's a loaded question. I think. Is it? Hmm.
How's my week? Well, how's yours?

Am I losing my social skills already?! I have been asked that question a few times over the last couple of days, and that's literally how I respond. Because truly, do you want to know the details of my week? Do I say "it's good". When in reality, it's not bad. But I mean, it's also not stellar. Is it just a casual...don't know what else to say after "hi" following it up with a formality?

I was laughing about this today all by myself. And then I stopped and asked myself as I shuffled a load of laundry. How IS your week going? I really think I may have even asked myself out loud!
Is that what you day when you hang with an elder-folk all day? You begin talking to yourself?

My week started on Sunday evening. Getting the kids ready for the school week, the Dude ready for the work week...although he's been forced to become more self-sufficient with that most recently. Actually more like completely self-sufficient. I think he's been laundering his own work clothes and making his own lunches. Or probably buying lunch. I think his clothes are clean? But that's neither here nor there. Or maybe it is. I duhno. On Sunday evening after I wrote my menu out for the week (I began meal planning for 30 days at a time on 1/1 and I have to say, I think it's absolutely saving my ass these days.) Then I sat down with my beautiful calendar. It's color coded--a different color for each family member in my most favorite type of pen. Our newest family member now has his own color on my calendar, so I can keep his stuff straight too.
Out the door Monday morning for an Internist appt. Did you know Internist is a fancy word for older people to call their primary care doctor? My mother gave me the referral for Pops and now I'm wondering why my mother sees an Internist. She's still only 40 in my mind! Good news, he liked the PA. So-so news, at 14 minutes in the waiting room he was ready to walk out. Good news, at 14.01 they called his name. So-so news, he has seasonal allergies (add that to another reason he hates living in AZ). Good news, the tech at Walgreens wasn't a "kid" and made him happy by telling him his discount was still avail. So-so news, they'd text me when the rx was ready and we couldn't walk away with it immediately. Good news...the Internist referred him to a PT, OT and ST. So-so news...he was emotional and I had to talk him off the proverbial ledge again today. Good news...all of the above lead me to opportunities to use these examples as moments to reach out and talk about patience and attitude and acceptance.
Onward. The guy had a dentist appt (Yikes..$$$$..but YAY for keeping his appt!), Tutor sessions, dance lessons, Fidge's dr appt, H's ortho appointment all squeezed in there. And then of course the pop-ups. Like Fidge's math review that came to a head, PT calling and asking if they could show up in one hour, emotional meltdowns from Pops..(life is a big adjustment for him) and my job. I work a j-o-b, too.

So how's my week going? I answered that question while loading the denim into the dryer...
I am able to love and care for my family, my wonderful little family. And as our family has grown by one under our roof, it's added something more. It's showing my kids, first hand, a completely different level of compassion, empathy and kindness. I have the ability and freedom to stand up for my girls and fight for their better good. To appreciate my life, the choices I have. The opportunities I'm given. I'm allowed to seize the moment when I want and completely freak the eff out, when I need. Tomorrow night, I'm carving time out for myself with my girlfriends. I'm lucky. I'm blessed. I'm exhausted. I'm emotionally spent (today). I'm behind on work. I'm loved. I'm appreciated. I'm content.

My week is going well, I'm doing exactly the things I live for. The things I've chosen. And I'm really happy about that.

1 comment:

  1. And I'm exhausted just reading this. ❤️ you 3 Bec.
