Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I drove that bus

Figuratively speaking. "Drive that bus" is my very own coined phrase on taking charge of things. Those things usually pertain to my kids education.
So anyhow. I received a phone call from the SSC from our school at 8:30am this morning. She and the psych(o) reviewed Fidge's evals from early 2013 and lo and behold, she's able to qualify for resource help in math afterall. Noooo kidding! Duh! I wouldn't have gone absolutely bazerk on being shut down, if I didn't believe she did!
Small victory. Well, pretty large one in this instance. Wonderful victory. We'll take it.
School's out next week for most of March, and we can take a break from all of that stuff. Well, besides studying and tutor. A break longer than a few days is detrimental to my girls' memory. So we can't throw in the towel and shut it down completely, like many kids can. BUT...we don't need to worry about what our next move is just yet. We sit down on 3/26, to accommodate our second IEP in this small family, and get this girl some extra help, in math, during the school hours. Bus driven!

Now where's the wine???

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