Thursday, March 20, 2014

Random rambles after a vacation!

We went on a vacation, a much needed family vacation with just the four of us. A family vacation, big deal. Well, yah, it was a really big deal. The changes that have gone on over the last few months have put our family time on the back burner. So to go away together and not have to worry about anyone else's needs, cares, feelings, for six days was an absolute dream!
This vacation was unlike any other we've taken. We usually scoot to no schedule, don't look at clocks, and spend our days lazing in the sand. But last week we ran like each day was our last! We beached, biked, shopped, ate and Disney'd. Such a fun, albeit exhausting, week!
For one week we checked out of reality. And we enjoyed ourselves immensely. It reminded me how important it is to try and find time to make our family the priority.
Grandpa cannot be left alone for long, but refuses to be left alone at all. I used to have about 4 minutes to myself daily, after I dropped the kids off at school on my drive home, and most recently, he's decided he wants to go on that trek, too. Over our vacation I decided that upon our return, and once the kids are back to school, I'm going to make it more of a priority to be firm on a few minutes to myself each day, and try and carve out some family time each week. I'm thinking this will be by way of a bike ride. Or even if we all go into the backyard and enjoy some time in the yard, not talking about Grandpa's miseries, and investing that energy into our girls' well being. Their ideas, excitement and stories, their interests.
Grandpa loves to be involved in our lives. He likes the energy around here, he says. I need to restructure a few things to make him more a part of our lives, and less of our lives revolving around him!

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