Is it too early for a drink????? If I could order an IV of pinot grigio to be delivered here by 4p, that would be swell. First one on it gets a gold star!! If this week doesn't do me in, then kudos to myself for surviving. Myself because I have nobody else to thank but me, for getting me through this week. It has been entirely exhausting, stressful, annoying and downright crappy.
I don't love spending Spring break like this. I definitely don't like my girls to be subjected to turmoil like this. BUT, lucky for me, they hardly know anything is off. They've really kept busy and entertained themselves all week, needing very minimal interference from me. Yay and bleh!
Grandpa came back home on Sunday and made a phone call to his estranged broad on Sunday night that has set him back mentally and emotionally about six weeks. I won't go into details because they don't matter, but his Ex (we're going to call her that for the fact that legalizing that is in the process...although I don't understand why since he pines for her) and her deranged son-in-law bs'd, lied, manipulated him into false hope, made him question his faith in his own kids and completely and utterly hung up and left me to deal with a mess.
That mess has consisted of much doubt. Confusion. Tears. Anger. Aggression. Frustration. Heartbreak. And for three full days, I've played shrink. Although it was suggested again to me that he needs to see one. I kindly rebutted that I don't have anymore room on my plate to add a shrink right now. I found him a couple counselors when he first arrived and got settled, but his schedule is so packed with dr appts and therapies, and I still work...or have a job, at least, in addition to our family life. Which that schedule is no walk in the park, either! I just didn't have time in my life for a meltdown this week! And I know, that sounds so callous and selfish, but these ledge removal sessions are so involved and energy sucking and last for so many hours (or days in this instance)...and I really believed the worst was behind us...that I was completely unprepared.
This week I've got one of the biggest events of the year to finalize and put together before show time on Saturday.
The kids are home on their second week of break.
It's March. The event world is crazy busy and gets really unhappy to keep reaching voicemail!
3 OT sessions, 2 PT sessions, 1 speech session.
Math tutor.
Med checks.
No husband on Weds.
Dentist appointment.
And payroll is due!
And this week dwarfs next week!!!
So! I'm venting...not regretting, just for the record! ;)
I expected him to have setbacks, but didn't expect a regression to come in at the magnitude of this one. And I sure as shit wasn't prepared for it the night we got home from our vacation. I'll be making to Total Wine soon....if I can energize myself to get out of the house after everyone goes to bed and my responsibilities are over for the stock up for the next one. Because good lordy, I'm not sure if I can handle another week like this unmedicated!!
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